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Defense IA Conferences


The Ministerial Agency for Artificial Intelligence in Defense (AMIAD), with the support of the Armed Forces Ministry’s AI strategy (DGA), invites you to participate in an international event dedicated to artificial intelligence for defense, aligning with the new Armed Forces Ministry’s AI strategy. This event will take place in Rennes, within the ECW, and will feature three major sessions focusing on AI.

Introductory Day on Defense AI (November 18, 2024, afternoon - free)

During this introductory session, the director of AMIAD will discuss the stakes of defense AI and the new Armed Forces Ministry’s AI strategy. We will explore the dual and transversal nature of AI, which allows for close collaboration with the ecosystem. Research issues will be addressed with the AMIAD research pole and the SequoIA project, winner of the Breton AI cluster under the national AI strategy. Round tables will discuss collaboration methods to quickly integrate AI technological innovations into armament programs, enabling the armed forces to benefit from it. Beyond "doing" or "having it done," we will specifically debate "doing with" and the work methods That need to be established with defense industries, SMEs, and startups, covering topics such as data, AI qualification, computing infrastructures, sovereignty issues, and the specificities of the military field.

Sixth edition of the CAID conference (November 19-20, 2024 - paid)

The CAID (Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Defense) conference on AI interests the entire Ministry of the Armed Forces, across its various domains: Land, Air, Sea, Cyberspace, Intelligence, Command, etc. It will cover the implementation of AI techniques through various use cases. Sessions will address the specificities and technical challenges related to the application of defense AI, such as robustness and qualification, the representativeness of data sets, explainability, and hardware and software architectures to solve the constraints of embedding AI in constrained systems.

First edition of the ESSAI conference (November 20-21, 2024 - free)

The ESSAI (European Symposium on Security and AI) conference is a scientific conference organized in collaboration with INRIA, focusing on generative AI, AI security, and AI contributions in the field of cybersecurity. This event will feature presentations on AI, whose work has been recognized in leading national and international conferences. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss the latest advancements and challenges in AI.

AI Space: Stands and Demonstrations

Throughout the event, a dedicated AI space will host stands and demonstrations, offering participants the opportunity to discover the latest innovations and practical applications of AI in defense.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the future of defense AI and contribute to shaping the strategies of tomorrow. Join us in Rennes from November 18 to 21.


1:30 PM – 2:30 PM – ECW Opening Session

2:30 PM – 4:00 PM – Introductory Lectures

  • Bertrand Rondepierre, Director of AMIAD

  • Michaël Krajecki, Director of Research at AMIAD

  • Guest Lecture 1

  • Guest Lecture 2

4:00 PM – 4:30 PM – BREAK and AI Project DEMONSTRATIONS

4:30 PM – 6:30 PM – Roundtables

  • Topic 1: Public-Private Collaboration Strategies for AI System Development

  • Topic 2: Research Partnerships

  • Topic 3: Evaluation and Qualification of AI Models

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