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Post-quantum crypto by DGA


The necessity of deploying post-quantum cryptography to secure services and applications is now well established,  in particular thanks to ANSSI’s recommendations and the normative and regulatory processes currently being processed (NIST, ETSI,…).

Following the cycle of conferences in 2021 and 2022, DGA - Maîtrise de l’information organizes in collaboration with CREACH LABS and with the support of Pôle d’excellence Cyber, ANSSI, IRISA, IRMAR and ANSSI this edition of PQC by DGA within the 9th edition of the European Cyber Week.

The goal of the workshop consists in measuring the impact of the deployment of Post-Quantum cryptography on large scale communication infrastructures.

On the menu

  • Institutional presentations

  • Presentations on recent advances and feedback on the deployment of post-quantum solutions by industrials

  • Presentations of  research and development pioneering work


Steering committee

Marie-Thérèse André (DGA MI)

Pierre-Alain Fouque (IRISA, Université de Rennes)

Gabriel Gallin (DGA MI)

Benoît Gérard (ANSSI)

Antonin Leroux (DGA MI et IRMAR)

Pierre Loidreau (DGA MI et IRMAR)

Tuong-Huy Nguyen (DGA MI et INRIA)

Guénaël Renault (ANSSI)



Karine Chatel (Creach Labs)




9h - 10h30 : SESSION 1 : Introduction et Présentations institutionnelles/ Introduction and Institutional Presentations

10h30 - 11h00 : Pause café 

11h - 12h00 : Session 2 : Stratégie industrielle pour la cryptographie Post-Quantique /Industrial Strategy for Post-Quantum cryptography

12h00 - 13h30 : Pause déjeuner 

13h30 - 15h00 : SESSION 3 : Deploiment / Deployment

15h30 - 18h00 : SESSION 4 : Implémentation/Implementation


9h00 - 12h00 : SESSION 5 : Sécurité des implémentations / Security of implementations

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